AI & Humanoid age career is here at the time of massive job loss worldwide. The humanoids like optimus has been launched from USA by Elon Musk and Yuanzheng A2 by China. This is simply means that there will be no job in the next 5 years, probably after 2026. This fact has also been affirmed by the LinkedIn, Co-founder, Reid Hoffman with his statement-” Death of Jobs by 2024″. Even NVIDIA Co-founder has too affirmed that “children don’t need to learn the coding” in information technology industry itself. All these evidences show that people will have career in AI, Humanoid, EV(electric vehicles or, as a Digital Nomad, multiple careers, multiple income sources to live and survive ahead.

To understand the AI & Humanoid age career, let’s understand this. The agrarian age gave birth to ‘Farmers’, the industrial revolution gave birth to ‘9 to 5 workers’ in 60s, the internet revolution gave birth to influencers and gig workers since 90s. Now that we have entered the AI & Humanoid age, may be the last phase for mankind on Earth possibly with such an advancement, the world will belong to ‘Digital Nomads’ with live, travel, work, explore the world in a community. Work together, live together Community. Move with time so that you are not left behind with unexpected struggles to invite.
Our ancestors were nomad, the people in past were nomad, the kings in past, the rulers all were nomad. Now, since the technology has made so many things over the decades, easy to connect and show work to worldwide people with internet make, people digital nomad. Digital nomad is the concept where we leverage the technology, the electronic gadgets like smartphones, laptop, camera to make our work easy in execution.
Imagine a life where you have multiple careers to pursue, multiple income sources to own. You have multiple passive income sources. You have option to work from a single place or, freedom to travel around the world with work. A community of 100,000+ members to support and guide each-other, helps to do the marketing of your work. You have digital assets like courses, eBooks, Journals, photos, videos, services and memberships to sell. You have the Lifestyle of live, travel, work, explore the world. This is ‘Digital Nomad Career’ from Digital Nomadyans.