"Say Nay to 9to5 Job, Say Yay to Digital Nomad Career" | No Traditional Economy, No 9to5 Job. Welcome to Gig Economy, Welcome to Digital Nomadism.Welcome to AI or, Digital Nomad Career Era| Share to help your friends switch, Share to reach 100,000+ members by 2025. A digital nomad community platform open for everyone.

Join India’s First ‘Digital Nomads Symbiotic Community’- Become a Digital Nomad with us and enjoy 100+ Community benefits

Imagine a life where you have multiple income sources(27x), multiple careers(4x). Imagine that there is an eco-system of 100,000+ members where we divide the work among all but get the individual revenue/income/profit share. Imagine a lifestyle where you live, travel, work, explore the world, you are independent to locations or, choose to stay in a single place. Remember, the greatest wealth on planet Earth is – Freedom & Time to live, travel, express, do anything, everything you want, you wish in life. Yes, I am talking about the Digital Nomad Career with Digital Nomadyans. Join India’s first ‘Course to Career’ program and embrace the greatest future in 2025. Start early, Join soon, be the early bird. Now, we are in AI & Humanoid age genesis period. Begin now to rule tomorrow.

Digital Nomad
  • You learn how to have Multiple Careers at the same time (4x),
  • You learn how to have & own Multiple Income Sources (9x),
  • You learn how to and then Launch, Create, Publish multiple passive Income Sources with us,
  • You learn how to leverage your existing skills, talents, knowledge, work experience to streamline multiple income sources with one single skill,
  • You learn ‘How to create multiple digital products like Online Courses, ebooks, journals etc.’,
  • You learn How to & List to sell Photos, videos while traveling to business agencies,
  • Access of Online Marketplace to launch and publish your digital products, services, memberships etc. Limited lifetime access to limited members.*
  • Community access of 100,000+ members to work in a like-minded environment to multiply your effort and divide work effort through collab and community marketing. Get mutual support to grow mutually,
  • Maximum profit/revenue share on digital products, services, memberships,
  • Six months coaching/ mentorship- Group or, individual,
  • Weekly meetup of all members when needed or, required.
  • Regular Live sessions on creating, launching, publishing digital products, services, memberships.
  • Become Millionaire Offer: First 100 people every year, will get an equity share also to join the ‘Become Millionaire Club’ from each state/UT of India. Only for Limited Period. Not applicable on discounted price.

It just takes 5 minutes to launch a digital product, serice and memberships these days that can pay you. It also just takes only 5 minutes to record a video, write something you already know, list something to sell on Edplodia. Launch your several digital products to sell. List Photos, Videos, anything you want to sell. So, If you really think you have got something say knowledge, skills, expertise, talents, work experience etc. that you have acquired over a long period of time with strenuous efforts, struggles, go ahead serve the people in India and around the world by passing some value through it. Reach out with your work to those who really need it instead of working merely for some individuals for making a living. Go for fortune, for wealth in the age of AI & Internet where you can reach millions of people within 24 hours. Own some digital products as assets that pay you on a recurring basis if not the physical assets or, traditional assets like real estate, stocks, shares that make not much sense these days due to market fluctuations and riskful factors attached to them.Shift your mindset away from the rest of crowd and you rise above the crowd.

Pay once, Enjoy the membership and enjoy 100+ Community Benefits along with the above listed benefits for the next 5 years.

“The AI & Humanoid Age Career is here- Become a digital Nomad”.

The agrarian age gave birth to ‘Farmers’, the industrial age in 60’s gave birth to ‘9to5 workers’, the Internet revolution in 90s gave birth to ‘influencers & gig-workers’. Now, we have entered the AI & Humanoid age, the world will belong to ‘Digital Nomads’. Don’t miss out or, lag behind this time. Start early, onboard yourself. Be the early bird going for the open sky with full of possibilities and opportunities.

40% OFF !

Nota Bene: This offer is valid till 25th of October, 2024 only on ‘Course to Career Program’. Drop a message on whatsapp to recieve it.

The Digital Nomadyans’ Memberships give you the freedom to take the advantage of community work with 100,000+ members in it. Live like Digital Nomads traveling, exploring, working and doing adventures worldwide with multiple careers & multiple income sources at the same..

Steps to join the memberships of Digital Nomadyans

Digital Nomadyans is Asia’s first or, maybe in the entire world’s first eco-system of 5 different startups that give you all the possible options to choose your career as per your niche to have multiple careers and multiple income sources. we sell products or, services and memberships in fitness, music, education sectors. It is a home, a world, a community, a space for Digital Nomads under the open sky, open world for each other. It is a career platform allowing everyone to pursue their passion and hobbies to make a living out of that. Thus, a community working together while traveling and exploring the world destinations to support each other to help fund travel each other’s travel expenses. You earn a hefty amount of money as a Hustler, Creator, Artistes or, Fitness Instructor with us.

Thus, we only charge a small amount of money to keep the system and platform going on, keeping it active and accessible for everyone to support everyone fulfilling the dream of traveling to explore the world’s destinations-forests, beaches, hills, mountains, deserts along with cuisines, hotels, resorts together or, individually. Straightaway, go for your niche, get your favorite membership, and join today, let’s expand the community. Let’s work together, grow together, and make a career while living the dream life together.

Drop a WhatsApp message for any inquiry you have or, a attend a free webinar to learn more…

(Freelancers/Influencers/Digital Marketers)

How Hustlers/Freelancers/ Influencers can help make a better world for the people in the world while making tons of wealth for themselves-

Hello Hustlers/Freelancers! What if you help the other Digital Nomadyans(Creators/Instructors/artists/Performers) to sell their digital products and in return you get your share to cover up your nomad life around the world? Yes, this is very much possible. In fact, this is the goal of the community we have to make an ecosystem where all Digital Nomadyans work together to self-fund each other’s expenses with a career in hand here.

In reality, we have 1000 of educators, instructors, teachers, and trainers mostly who are industry experts, passed out from prestigious institutions share their valuable knowledge, work experience, research, theory, and findings to improve people’s lives. Now, they need marketing and promotion of their digital products to generate revenue. Undoubtedly, who could be the best choice when digital nomadyans work for each other?


It is the time to pass the real education that works, the knowledge that can empower the world population to uplift them in their life around the world for free or, with charging the least.

Working professionals, instructors, teachers, and trainers can transform the world population with their skills, knowledge, experience, and learning. Welcome aboard! let’s make a better world away from this world that gives space to everyone. Make your assets to pay you while you are busy making people’s life better and not just for money or, some gains. In the long run, teach, instruct, and train those who need it. You have worked as an engineer, IT professional, sales professional, beautician, doctor, advocate, accountant, manager or, anything you think can, be taught to people to help them make their lives better and successful, can be turned into a digital product on Edplodia. It pays you of course.

As a matter of fact, hundreds of hustlers and influencers are busy every single day to market, sell, and promote your online courses, ebooks, journals, magazines, web stories etc. It helps you and them also to travel and fund their living expenses remotely too. One of our startups AmBritish helps facilitate all the teachers to teach their favourite subject online to their worldwide students.

On the whole, right education and knowledge must be made free. It is a weapon that can change people’s life, can uplift them, can make them ready for a better life.

Artiste- Dancers, Comedian, Actors, Music Instrument Players, Singers

It is the time to teach the world with your art, music and talents to inspire for a better life, a beautiful life

Art, music, dance, acting, drama, and comedy are the colors, and the beauty of human life. VArtistes are the people who keep other people on earth alive through their hard work, talents, and skills. Digital Nomadyans help the VArtistes in launching, selling their own live performance tickets, selling tickets, bookings for functions, birthdays, weekend parties, personal functions place to place while traveling the world. Digital nomadyans help them to showcase their work on edplodia to help them for their show bookings.

An Artiste can also teach, train, and instruct people in their respective arts through online courses, ebooks, weekly journals, and magazines to make a fanbase around the world to inspire them to have a better life out of their busy lives.You can teach and train your fans and followers from the beaches, mountains, forests, and hills while living your own beautiful travel life. VArtiste promises to transform 100,000 people’s lives by the end of 2030.

Fitness Trainers, Yoga Instructors, Meditation Instructors

It is the time to make the world population fit, strong, and healthy mentally and physically both.

Return your body the way Mother Nature has given you. Without doubt, a great mind lives in a good healthy body, a good healthy body helps you lead a great life. With this purpose in mind, all the fitness enthusiasts can actually teach, train, and instruct the worldwide population through the medium of online courses, ebooks, and video clips to keep them healthy and fit. Melfitleague is one such initiative we have that offers all fitness enthusiasts to stay connected with their fans, followers and learners worldwide on the platform of Edplodia.

Become a Join venture partner: We are going to be a Digital Nomadyans community of 100,000+ Digital Nomadyans by the end of 2025. The bigger the size the bigger strength we all have for a better life, career, travel and income.

Steps to become a Joint Venture partner for Digital Nomadyans

Help Digital Nomadyans to expand and earn 50% commission up to 45,000/- on a single member while you are traveling. You help digital nomadyans to expand and it pays you a hefty amount of money to fund your travel expenses. Add co-travelers passionate about traveling while pursuing his/her passion as Hustlers, Influencer, Creators, Instructors, Trainer, Teachers, Artistes, Singers, Performer, Guitarist, Violion players or, fitness trainer, yoga instructor or, or Meditation instructor. The more we add, the more lives we are adding to people’ life.

Digital Nomadyans is a community home, life, career as a digital nomad traveling the world.

Lifetime Free Services/Support:

  • Lifetime community membership is free for the 1000 early birds. Limited period offer.
  • Marketing & promotion with 10+ different marketing channels is lifetime free,
  • Products making support free- 3 months then weekly a month.
Launch your own Online Business

Launch your own Online Business in less than 30 days

"Say Nay to 9to5 Job, Say Yay to Digital Nomad Career" | No Traditional Economy, No 9to5 Job. Welcome to Gig Economy, Welcome to Digital Nomadism.Welcome to AI or, Digital Nomad Career Era| Share to help your friends switch, Share to reach 100,000+ members by 2025. A digital nomad community platform open for everyone.

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