Share to help people move from the insecurity of 9to5 job/Joblessness to digital nomad career | Help making a community platform open for everyone to reach 100,000+ members soon by 2025
Join India’s first Digital Nomads community
- Publish and sell unlimited products, services, courses, ebooks, memberships, digital products, Physical goods on our marketplace Edplodia,
- Sell existing digital products, services, memberships in India and internationally and earn 74% commission,
- Live, travel, work, explore in India or, around the world in a community of 100,000+ digital nomads,
- Work from anywhere in India in Fitness under Melfitleague and enjoy 1x/5x Career (under construction),
- Work from anywhere in India and around the world in Art, Music & Expression under VArtiste and enjoy 2x/5x Career,
- Work from anywhere in India and around the world in Education under AmBritish and enjoy 3x/5x Career,
- Work from anywhere in India and around the world as a Digital Nomad under Digital Nomadyans and enjoy 4x/5x Career,
- Work from anywhere in India and around the world as a Freelancer/Hustler under Edplodia and enjoy 5x/5x Career,
- Leverage all your existing skills, expertise, knowledge, talents, expertise and work experience (if any) and launch 9x multiple income sources for passive income,
- Travel in group in India with Community,
- Travel with group internationally in community,
- Travel and sell photos to agencies for websites, social media and earn money from it,
- Travel and sell Videos to agencies for websites, social media and earn money from it,
- Work as per your niche to contribute in the community,
- Opportunity to work as a Video editor to become a permanent member of the community,
- Opportunity to work as a Graphic Designer to become a permanent member of the community,
- Opportunity to work as a Social Media Manager to become a permanent member of the community,
- Opportunity to lead a particular state in India with revenue share once a permanent member of the community,
- Opportunity to lead a particular district in India with revenue share once a permanent member of the community,
- Become an Instructor or, a Hustler to live digital nomads lifestyle,
- …to be added.
“Pay once, Enjoy for 5 Years”. Take your digital nomad membership to enjoy all the benefits. Begin your journey now! Limited Offer. Limited Memberships.
India’s First ‘Course to Career Program’ for Aspiring Digital Nomads
Share to help people move from the insecurity of 9to5 job/Joblessness to digital nomad career | Help making a community platform open for everyone to reach 100,000+ members soon by 2025