"Say Nay to 9to5 Job, Say Yay to Digital Nomad Career" | No Traditional Economy, No 9to5 Job. Welcome to Gig Economy, Welcome to Digital Nomadism.Welcome to AI or, Digital Nomad Career Era| Share to help your friends switch, Share to reach 100,000+ members by 2025. A digital nomad community platform open for everyone.
- Get digital products, Get Passive income Plan like Chrome from Google, Facebook from Meta, etc. for a lifetime,
- To Self-fund all your lifetime travel expenses,
- To get digital products to Back up your startup (if any),
- To get lifetime passive income flow with a job.
- Lifetime Passive income source in automated mode.
How: By simply monetizing all your existing skills, knowledge, expertise and experience. 1 skill can help you getting many products in the form of online courses, eBooks, journals, notes, case studies, pdfs, documents, web-stories etc. One time negligible investment, lifetime return.
Create, launch, Publish and own your first product. Get your first product here
"Say Nay to 9to5 Job, Say Yay to Digital Nomad Career" | No Traditional Economy, No 9to5 Job. Welcome to Gig Economy, Welcome to Digital Nomadism.Welcome to AI or, Digital Nomad Career Era| Share to help your friends switch, Share to reach 100,000+ members by 2025. A digital nomad community platform open for everyone.