"Say Nay to 9to5 Job, Say Yay to Digital Nomad Career" | No Traditional Economy, No 9to5 Job. Welcome to Gig Economy, Welcome to Digital Nomadism.Welcome to AI or, Digital Nomad Career Era| Share to help your friends switch, Share to reach 100,000+ members by 2025. A digital nomad community platform open for everyone.

“Elon Musk is the Sun on the verge of setting slowly whereas Vishwajayant Adhiraj is the rising Sun.”

(एलन मस्क धीरे-धीरे डूबने की कगार पर खड़े सूरज हैं जबकि विश्वजयंत अधिराज उगते सूरज हैं।)

Elon Musk, an American, who is a business magnate working to occupy Mars some day and it might become the truth whereas Vishwajayant Adhiraj is a Visionary Leader, an Indian, Polymath and a meliorist, working to stabilize home planet mother Earth by 2047 again it become a truth.

Elon Musk once said -” If his mechanoids and humanoids will take over all the human work than what would humans would do on planet Earth?” Vishwajayant Adhiraj then added that since your ancestors are just old enough with less mature brain since 1498 hence you might not think beyond it but let me tell you the reality- We in India were not working like you people before Mughals and British came to loot us rather we were engaged into some family chores, living, traveling, singing, spending time with our friends, family and also with cattles and pets. We had a human life. Now that you have said what humans what would do then I must add that you stay busy getting our work done and we will be busy witnessing the beauty, the color in the world to live like humans- the mountains, the waterfalls, the sea-beaches, the deserts, the forests, the flora-fauna in jungles. After all, the Work System is the invention of you people from the Western, the European society who had to work to make enough for themselves from the island countries where there were not enough. We in India have enough and so much that now we feed the entire world despite so much loot done here in India over the 250 years. No matter how big China will become, Western countries will become, we are the only boss and will remain too. Accept your defeat, we are more than 50, 000 years old civilization it simply means that we have the brain capacity of so many ancestors in these years.

“I, Vishwajayant Adhiraj will ensure that every single youth become a Bharatguru(national leader) if not the Worldguru(world leader) by 2030 in my country and I will work for it. I don’t think like an American or, British in piling up unnecessary wealth rather to make human life better on Earth. Money is chased by those who carry one single mindset at the cost of their entire life. One single emotion-driven life of becoming the wealthiest or, richest on Earth. No diversity than this. I believe that this is where you people are losing the race. Lol! As an Indian I believe that we humans take birth only to serve other humans as per our age and not to make a disparity, a gap among humans to bring chaos in the world society.

We as humans were never supposed to work so much, never. It is you the western society made the world to do so. We as humans, the most supreme creature on Earth were just supposed to live, travel, cherish with friends and family around the world by witnessing the other beauty of the world”.

…. Chapters to be continued.

"Say Nay to 9to5 Job, Say Yay to Digital Nomad Career" | No Traditional Economy, No 9to5 Job. Welcome to Gig Economy, Welcome to Digital Nomadism.Welcome to AI or, Digital Nomad Career Era| Share to help your friends switch, Share to reach 100,000+ members by 2025. A digital nomad community platform open for everyone.

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